Frequently Asked Questions:I

You’re only open two days a week. Why?

Almost everything in the bakery is made from scratch. It’s a 2 day process just to make croissant dough. When you add in several different varieties of cookies and cakes, it starts to add up. Then throw in bread, some of which has a two day process as well, and then keeping things separate for our gluten-free offerings, there’s a lot of time there. Oh, and cleaning too! So far we haven’t been able to teach the mixers and the benches to clean themselves!

Do you think you’ll ever be able to be open more than that?

Maybe. It just depends on how many staff are able to assist with the actual baking part of the process.

When I call the bakery rarely does anyone answer the phone. Why?

You’d be amazed (well, maybe you wouldn’t) at how many spam calls we get. Probably 10 or more for an actual real person. If we don’t get to the phone, please leave a message. If you’re on FB, those messages get through a whole lot quicker.

I’d like to place a custom order. Do you do that? What kind of orders will you do?

Yes and no. It really depends what you need and how much advance notice you can give.

I read somewhere that you do cake decorating. Do you do wedding cakes?

That is correct, cake decorating is one of the things I do. Over 50 years of decorating. It really depends on what you want. Again, it comes down to time and staffing. I would love to be able to please everyone, but it doesn’t always happen.